NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Just curious if anyone here went to Cruise Moab this year. This was my second year. Had a blast. Did Hell's Revenge, Elephant Hill, Kane Creek Canyon, and Golden Spike. My second time doing Golden Spike. VERY different this year. We got caught up in a pretty intense storm for a good bit of it and the rain made a few of those obstacles VERY tough. I'll get my pics up as soon as I get a chance. Didn't take nearly as many as last year though. I did get a video of going up Hell"s Gate though. That was super fun.

Well anyway, I am for sure moving down to the Bay. Move in date is July 1st. So I'll probably be looking to get out shortly after that so I'll keep my eye out for anyone setting up a run. Hopefully get to meet some of you soon.

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A few of us went the weenend before the big Cruise Moab event, we timed it between that and the Easter Jeep Safari, still a few Jeepers around town but not as crowded. MoabFJ/CAAnnie and myself did Hell's Gate too.. that was a blast. I'm trying my hand at putting together a video of it, I also gave my footage to Potatomutato so I know he'll come up with something good.. ;o)

Looking forward to seeing around the Norcal area and joining in the runs. I'm actually a transplant from your neck of the woods, grew up in Vancouver WA, moved down here about 7 years ago.

i think Athena went this year. of course, she's not in NorCal, but is a member here.

post up them pics! looking forward to seeing them. and we'll have a few runs planned out by the time you get here, so hopefully you'll be able to join in on some of them. be sure to ping us when you're all settled in.
Oh yeh, Athena was there. No, not NorCal. More like NorCol. hahaha She was on the Hell's Revenge run with us. And part of the Elephant Hill run too. Good times. I met her and Bill (and the kids) last year. Great people. Love them.

I look forward to meeting up with some of you folks soon.
Hell's Gate is crazy! I about couldn't watch. I get to do it next year. Can't wait! :)

We usually skip Cruise Moab. Just too many people for me.

PLEASE let us know when you get here and are ready for a beer! We'll have a Beer night for the new guy! We've also got runs scheduled for August and September if you're ready.

Welcome! :)




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