NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hello Nor Cal People,

The weather is heating up and the wheeling season is upon us...which begs the question.  Are there any plans for a High Sierra trip this summer?  What about All-Cal???    


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is august too far out?

Who next can I follow for a good picture of a bad time?  ;-)

Usually September/October-ish, correct?

I am down for some runs throughout the summer!

I talked to Jason Demello about plans for an All-Cal this year. 

Tentative plans are for Joshua Tree the third weekend in October.

cowboy and I were talking about it there should be a high sierra. For kicks I'ma leave this right here; there is a run fireworks from above the weekend of the 4 of july at bald mt. Its a fun fun trip 

I've been wanting to do a Sierra run for a very long time. I'm interested.

We're headed to Sagehen Creek outside Truckee May 15-18. Below is the link to the US Forestry site for info. We'll do several day trips from that base-it's pack in pack out-bring your own water-4-day-get-away! We've not been there before but there seem to be plenty of easy and moderate trails in the area. Perfect for family fun (and the wife's birthday!)

Come on come all! Let's do this!

I might be able to head up Saturday morning.

Come on up! 




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