NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

what a blast it was! great hanging with you guys again and even better that we got to have fun with the SoCal gang as well.

it would've been nice to wheel more, but to tell you the truth, i really enjoyed staying behind to hold the fort and socialize with everyone. it was a meet & greet after all.

so a lot went on and not all of us were everywhere at the same time - post your stories, interesting sights, things overheard, etc.

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Wow well there are so many.. I guess it would have to be the sweet bar and kitchen that we had set up.. We were the place to hang out.. The Martini's and Frank !!! Meeting a bunch of the So-Cal guys for the First time.. Seeing Funjunkie again.. Its been since 2007 !! Vaughn and the Cool Segway X2.....

Tater taking a huge digger

The great SWAG !!! Trails teams stuff is always good..

ANd Of course Hanging out with the NOR-CAL FJ CREW !!! What can I say we rock and I am glad to be a part of it !!!!!!!

WOW! That was a fast road trip. Everything from the 747 landing guidance landing crew - Potatomutato to the bar, kitchen, NoCal camp layout, SWAG, SoCal FJers, and the reps. Dave with Toyota was great to talk to and get some background on the FJ, it's future and Toyota in general. The solo and groups runs where fun for us and tested our rookie skill set. The Racer5 was and nice added feature. That many FJs in one spot was great - a sight to behold! All the mods, and camping alternative were fun to see and talk about as well. My list has doubled. The rock climb was fun and interesting to watch. Sorry, I don't wish bad on anyone but the red jeep down and out on the rocks with 5 to 10 FJs circling was very great. Then to see the 2-wheel drive support truck, a Toyota, show up to assist was even better. I hope it is not me next time.

We can home via SLO and had to hit the sand for a bit - windy..... I5 had lots of rigged FJs going south with boats, etc. It is always good to see a FJ and a boat together....Fish On!


Ah, there we go! (the most famous n baddest FJ is @ 7:00!)

Video courtesy of Sara from All-Pro
This link doesn't appear to be working. Can you try it again? Looks cool.
I cannot believe you guys would not let us draw on FunJunkies face. He knew the rules beforehand... it'd would have been legit tagging! He's lucky he's got such good friends :) :)

Vince, I'm not sure if I saw you eat a burger, but it's good to know they didnt go to waste! Same with the brats, you just kept cooking them, and they kept disappearing.... Circle of life :)
Yeah! Mike (FunJunkie) is the one who called sharpies to begin with.............
Nah, that was me (angel)
I remember standing in front of the brat grill, but not the hamburger one.
I do remember running out of cheese, did anyone else make burgers and brats or was I doing all of that because that was all a blur to me.
Nope it was mostly you handing out the food that night.. I think it was the wormwood that has blurred your memory.. I do not remember if you had a burger or not .. But you sure were having fun cooking it all up....
Oh, freakin A, I forgot you guys were doing Absinthe

The Weekend and Party were over way too fast. All Y'all are the best!!!!

We need a lo-key get together like Boss is talking about sometime soon




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