NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Typically, the Surf n Turf mob will run Garcia Ridge/Pozo trails on the way home from Surf n Turf on Sunday, usually forming their own groups and going. The Norcal FJ group will be running the Garcia Ridge Trail on Saturday morning.

Meeting Time:
8:00am to 8:30am at a designated Norcal FJ area at Surf n Turf. Exact location TBD

Departure Time:
Garcia Ridge is approx. 25 miles inland from Pismo so we'd expect to get to the trail head around 10:45am. Trail is 5 miles in and 5 miles out and is 'Moderate'. More trail info to come.

We'll end up having lunch on the trail so bring some food. We should be back at the dunes in the afternoon, long enough to enjoy some people jumping their rigs. Happy hour to follow!

Post up here if interested and we'll get a list going. FYI, there will be other Surf N Turf events going on during this time that you may miss if you go on this run.

CB channel: 31
FRS channel: 7/31

bulldog (maybe)
Mark and Abbey
Potato Mutato
c4b (maybe)

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i'm game to beat the crowds on Pozo and return in the afternoon for fun on the dunes followed by happy hour!
This sounds fun!!

So would we go all the way to the Pozo saloon or just out and back??
Sounds like just out and back but I am not sure..

The kid may want to get involved in the kids games in the afternoon so I will have to check with the wife and see..
Boss, out and back my friend.
Count me in, I too prefer our own smaller group.
I'm in.
OK I just got done talking to the wife.. She want to get up and do the run walk thing or whatever that is.. Maybe I will just get real drunk with BZ and my friend Dave (yep he is coming out to Surf N Turf Brandon) and sleep in. Also Anthony really want to do the kids games this year and I want to be around for the start of that.. So basically my pregnant wife and Son are over riding me on this !!! LOL So I am not be heading out with you guys and gals ..... Bummer
I am trying to get my dad to join me this year. If he does I will probably opt for the poker run since I haven't experienced the Ridge and not sure it would be best for him. So probly best to take me off the list. Thanks. See yall there!
Count me in please. My dad can't make it. For some reason he thinks a week in Hawaii is better than a day in an FJ SHEESH!
I may stay and be social and ride shot-gun on the Poker Run with someone else, but I think Mark and Abbey will tag along with you guys. I'll call it that morning.




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