FJ Cruisers of Northern California
Hey guys I'm interested in Plasti Dip and i was wondering if anyone has used it? Also how easy is it to use. I've been watching some YouTube videos on it but i want to get some feed back from my homies here. I was thinking of doing my hood with a flat black, how hard would that be? any help would be appreciated.
I've used plastidip a lot for years for smaller items like mirrors and grills...
I've never done anything like the hood but plastidip is a VERY forgiving product. If you mess up, just wait till it drys and peel it off.
I would recommend getting a feel for it on smaller items to see how it coats and sets.
I should mention for parts like the grille and mirror, if they get scuffed up, plastidip is awesome because it is so easy to touch up without looking like it was touched up.
ive been watching this guy who has a plastidip company and has a YouTube channel. but thanks for the info. im going to shoot my emblems on the back of the car first.
I did my emblems first, then the front bumper wings and valance, mirrors and door-handles. I also did the front grille TOYOTA logo with red. I'm surprised how durable it is once it's cured (but be gentle with it for the first few days). It took a beating at Hollister yesterday, but still hasn't torn.
For the hood, though, I highly recommend the Crawlorado vinyl decal.
sheesh, that's a great idea, Black on red instead of chrome on red, I like it. Let me know how it goes. I suppose you would use floss to remove the emblems and then use double sided tape to re-apply?
No need to remove the emblems for plastidipping - just peel off the excess. There are lots of YouTube vids on how to do it...
I did my hood a while back and it was easy and looked amazing. I took it off to wax the truck but learned the hard way that you need to put on thick coats or else its a pain to get it off.. I've been meaning to re-do it but haven't made the time. I've had dip on the truck for years now without much issue. I recommend it and am planning on doing my roof in it. I've done just about everything you can with it lol hood, rims, mirrors, handles, rear bumper, front grille, plastic trim, tail lights. I even did some of my sun faded and rusty arb bumper just to see how it would look.
it looks great. when you did your hood, did you take the tape off before or after the paint dried?
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