NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I wanna wear the NorCal badge on the FJC where can I get one?

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pucker...there are a couple out there already. we're getting some designs for this website soon. cruizin4bruzin's got a nice text only sticker and RockyFJ (mark o'connor) had some that he forgot at home...we haven't seen them (or him) since. hmm.
Stickers Stickers Stickers !!!!!!!!!!!!

I know your working on it !
we'll get business cards too.
And shirts and hats and little flyers that tell everyone how cool we are!!!!!
I thought you had that covered with your gang, I mean club.....
Thats right I am in a gang. Its a huge one too

We even have our own colors! LOL

We cruse around and look for small old women to rob!!

Its fun you should come on out
Pucker the stickers are currently being designed.
And then......
we should have three iterations to choose from in the coming weeks. in terms of stickers, we're designing three types: circular, oval and text only lengthwise so you can put it on the rack or across the top of your rear window. patience grasshopper.
patience grasshopper my ass................. AND THEN ?!?!?!?!?!?
should have comps between tomorrow and monday.
ANd then and then and then ........ No and then !! LOL




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