Dave Crockett


Santa Rosa, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Sonof40

    Welcome Dave! Don't be a stranger.
  • Overlander36

    Hey Dave nice meeting you today. Let me know how that chip works out for you I could definitely use some better gas mileage.
  • Overlander36

    Hey I'm really interested in seeing what you are doing with your water heater - I've been looking at plate heat exchangers and parts based on some info I found on one of the expedition sites and have some ideas. I've put together my pump and pressure system just need the confidence to take the next step and start cutting hoses.
  • Overlander36

    Send me an email and I'll send you info on heat exchanger - jensmci@aol.com
  • Overlander36

    Don't know if you have been following the "on board shower thread" looks like we are meeting at Boztec shop in Alameda on Sunday morning - hoping you can make it and show your progress on your setup and your heat exchanger. Also some good info in the link posted by Ross Woody.
  • Overlander36

    2:01am? You HAVE been working all night on this project! Sounds really cool. It would be great to see you there on Sunday and I bet the others would be very interested. I understand the time crunch. Let me know if there is any thing I can do to help.