

Roseville, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • David

    Thanks bud! Since you left I just had to up it a notch to represent! haha
  • David

  • Robert Betteridge

    Wow, Roseville!!!
    Glad to meet to
    Are you long time there, or fairly recent?
    Is it raining there yet? it's clear and cool here, no rain for about a week.
  • David

    Wait a minute! You're a DIFFERENT TONKA! lol! Sorry about that. I thought you were my neighbor who moved out to Hollister!
  • David

    Yeah I had a reality check as soon as I saw your new photos of a sun fusion. My other buddy has a titanium.
  • Robert Betteridge

    nice fj...I sent you an e-mail...not sure if you got it. the internet over here leaves a little to be desired....
    just in case you did not know...i can't tell the weather in auburn, since i am currently in iraq.
    less than four months to go...woohoo... anyways..welcome to the site, hope to meet you all when i get back.
  • Robert Betteridge

    Just a little note to wish you a happy holiday season!! I put up some mud pics from here, it doesn't look like much mud, until you have to walk through it....everywhere you go..mud,mud,
    who would have thought that four to six inches of mud could be such a pain!!
    I get tomorrow and Christmas off for good behavior...first day off since I have been in country...woohoo.. eighty one days left before I get to come home!!!
  • Andrew

    Happy New Years
  • Andrew

    Can' wait to install all the new parts I ordered for my Fj
  • potatomutato

    you too! yeah, i walked out and you were gone...then i saw you drive by and i waved, but you didn't see me. double DOH! catch ya on a trail or at another social!