NorCal FJs Comms Group

The Comms Group is geared towards off-road and group communications. The group’s mission is to increase overall communications knowledge, provide member collaboration opportunities and standardize NorCal FJ communication channels and operations.
  • opg4759

    Welcome to the NorCal FJs Comms group.
  • potatomutato

    this is cool! looking forward to learning more about HAM and ways to integrate various channels of communication.
  • PBn'FJ

    Cool Josh! We've been needing some coordination on the Hams
  • Bz

    Awesome!!! This should help with the CB user as well...
  • Boss73

    This is fantastic !! I really want to get more understanding of HAM and other forms of communication.. Great this has been needed for a long time..
  • gringo

    Awesome, just found this group. New to HAM, got the techincian and Yaesu ft-7900r installed and mostly figured out, thanks for setting this up
  • Markie Sharkie

    Definitely could use help tuning my CB... the proper way, hah.
  • Sonof40

    I'm in.
  • opg4759

    Happy CB Day (10-4) to all my good buddies! (stealing this from ut48)
  • C4B_ROCKs

    OPG good job on getting this setup.. good information on this group... I wish I had a HAM radio.

  • opg4759

    Sorry I've been so quiet, but I got a new piece of APRS tech that I'm currently beta testing and it will change how we can do APRS off-road. I will be posting an article about it soon.

  • manoweb

    What is it, opg4759?

  • opg4759

    It's a secret project right now, I'm just teasing it. 

    I hope to have something posted about it by end of the year.

  • manoweb

    Come on, give us just a hint. I love APRS. I will be setting up my station at home I hope soon...

  • opg4759

    The days of the laptop are coming to an end

  • opg4759

    This is a cool APRS link to follow. K6RPT-11 is a ballon that was launched in SoCal on the 11th and is currently just about to pass Gibraltar. 

  • opg4759

    Yea it popped. I was wrong in where it launched it launched in San Jose not far from my house and flew almost 6200 miles. Slashdot Article 

  • Sonof40

  • gringo

    thanks Steve, would have never seen it on blue room

  • manoweb

    But, do they engrave the callsign?

  • opg4759

    Doubt it. I would check with the OP on the Blue Room. This isn't a NorCalFJ sponsored product


  • manoweb

    I did not know it was forbidden, sorry

  • Estysalinas

    Thanks for the heads up Steve...i also would have totally missed it!

  • opg4759

    It's not forbidden it's just we have nothing to do with this and you need to go to the source to ask questions.

  • BigFish

    Anyone interested in attending this meet on air event with Land-Ops?   See link.

  • opg4759

    Brushing away the tumbleweeds it's been really quiet over here. I'm working on some plans to incorporate some radio training with off-roading next year. 

  • Sonof40

    Any chance of updating the "Ham Operators List?" There are only two names on there.

  • opg4759

    Damn your pushy, I show up out of the blue after months of being offline and you expect me to do something.

    That is one of my goals, I'm going to build a new google docs form that people can update and I will then update the list there.

  • Sonof40

    Keeno.. Let me know if I can help.

  • Red Leader aka DaveF2

    Josh, that's just the way SonOf40 is.... pushy pushy pushy


  • Scott Serl

    Check out here interested in doing something like this? Watch the Land Ops Episode 1 video. It would be good coms practice and a lot of fun. It could also promote ham radio in the group so they could participate in roles of the exercises where frs and cb don't have enough range.