I've noticed that the only place people use CBs anymore is at Hollister and on the highway. It seems like everyone in the Sierras has moved on to 2m ham.
So I'm going to go with a ham rig. I'm not worried about the exam, since I already have an FCC 605 license, but the equipment is a question.
I'm going with a Boztec ham mount, and he conveniently makes a list of stuff to buy. So no worries there. But I need to get a transceiver, and should I just get a 2m unit like an FT-1900R, or should I go dual-band (2m/440)? Does anyone make a rig that combines 2m with CB?
Any and all advice would be helpful and appreciated.
CV Kurt
For starters, I recommend an inexpensive HT, preferable 2m/440 and mag mount external antenna. With the mag mount external antenna, you'll have less issues due to use of the rugby ducky antenna inside the cab. Or spring for the boztec... just run the coax to the driver side glove box so you can use it with the HT. A separate mic is also handy... as is 12v power adapter.
As you saw, I currently have my HT bungied to the driver side pillar grab handle. I then have the mic up to the driver's side room grab handle, using the shade to keep the cord out of the way. Doesn't bang around... doesn't bother me while driving.
While my HT is dual band, I rarely use its 440 band (as most repeaters out here are 2m). But I'm always using both of its dual transceivers... one for voice, one of APRS. Occasionally I'll have on transceiver on simplex for local comms while having the other monitor a repeater.
As others have pointed out, HTs are quite useful even once you have a mobile rig.
Aug 25, 2013
Everything purchased; I decided to pop for the Yaesu 8800 because of the $100 rebate, which dropped it to $329.

Got home and the Boztec was on my front step in the smallest box ever.
Looks like someone got a water jet cutter!
Aug 28, 2013
I'm going to need some suggestions and expertise on installing this thing.
P.S. I hate auto electrical.
Aug 29, 2013