NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Just wondering if anyone is going to the Truckfest I think is this end of the month...

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ok, i think i will be going to this considering it's free and it's only about eight blocks from where i live. not sure how much parking is, but it's too bad we couldn't all park together in the show parking lot. fjs need to be represented.
Parking is $8, I you like we can meet up and convoy over.
hmm, $8.00 probably isn't worth it. i guess we'll meet at the show around noon.
Kewl Tater,

give me a cal in the morning and I will drive out to your place and we can walk or what ever..

Well just got off work so...whomever needs someone to go with I'm down for someone to pick me up...hahahha or meet everone there
Noon it is..,oh yea if someone is down PM me your number so I can call you up and see what time I have to get ready.
I stay in San Bruno

Steve and Boss it's raining out so just drive the truck and pay parking so everyone can park together and represent, shot $8 I got enough pennies to cover that..lmao but really it would be nice if we parked at the parking lot and show up with a few fj's
(other Steve) Sounds good. CUthere. (noonish)
I can dig up enough pennies to cover the $8 parking. If we want to represent with force we can meet up first and then convoy over.
That sounds good to me.. Mark I'm meeting up with AJ then we are going to head out to San Mateo.
hmm, so it seems as though everyone is going to hit the main parking lot to represent. if you guys get to the parking lot before Bossquatch and I, park poorly to save two spots. otherwise, we can meet at my place and head over together. 5and5torm, give me a buzz if you want to meet up beforehand.
Just spoke to potatomutato, we are meeting in the pay lot at 12:00.
See y'all there.
Ill see you guys in the parking lot... ill just look for the FJ colony




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